FirmBase Piling

Piling in Buckshaw Village

Piling in Buckshaw Village

Buckshaw Village piled foundation services

Piling Buckshaw VillagePiling here was for a small kitchen extension in Buckshaw Village. Most of the area is backfill so I believe the vast majority of extensions are piled here. Using the Grundomat mole to pile requires very little access so if a wheel barrow can gain access, we are good to go.

Piled foundation services in Buckshaw Village

Shuttering was used so excess concrete wasn’t required. Most bricklayers like the concrete to line in with their courses which we have done here and you can see by looking at our concrete against the existing brickwork. If it is an option, its worth paying for a little extra concrete.

Piling in Buckshaw Village

We're specialists in:

– Piled Foundations
– Mini Piling
– Underpinning
– Residential and Commercial
– Foundation Repair
– Grundomat Piling –

For a site survey and competitive quote on your foundation piling project in Blackpool, contact FirmBase Piling on: