FirmBase Piling

Piling in Cumbria

Piling in Cumbria

Cumbria piled foundation services

Piling Cumbria – The Cumbria job shown here was for a single storey extension which was being faced with natural stone. The wall being put on the foundation was to be 2 skins of 100mm blockwork with 100mm cavity, then faced with 200mm of stone. This meant the beam had to be wider than standard.

Piled foundation services in Cumbria

The piling here at Cumbria was for a single storey kitchen extension. Apparently Cumbria is predominantly made up ground so most, if not all extensions being built will require piling. Using the mole required very little access which means it is ideal to pile in residential gardens

Piling in Cumbria

We're specialists in:

– Piled Foundations
– Mini Piling
– Underpinning
– Residential and Commercial
– Foundation Repair
– Grundomat Piling –

For a site survey and competitive quote on your foundation piling project in Cumbria, contact FirmBase Piling on: