FirmBase Piling

Piling in Wirral

Piling in Wirral

Wirral piled foundation services

Piling WirralThis piling in Birkenhead was for a single storey rear extension. Heave protection was needed as the garden was previously full of trees which means the existing clay ground can swell with the trees not sucking water out of the ground anymore.

Piled foundation services in Wirral

The concrete ring beam here is very high in relation to the finished floor due to their being a  number of mains drains running under the beam and it being practically impossible to lower it. The builder had a solution in regards to the floor which building control were apparently happy with.

Piling in Wirral

We're specialists in:

– Piled Foundations
– Mini Piling
– Underpinning
– Residential and Commercial
– Foundation Repair
– Grundomat Piling –

For a site survey and competitive quote on your foundation piling project in Blackpool, contact FirmBase Piling on: